介绍: Thefilmisbasedonapuppetmusicalwhichfusesthefantasticalandhistorical,tr…… 更多This is Not a Time for Dreaming介绍
This is Not a Time for Dreaming
The film is based on a puppet musical which fuses the fantastical and historical, transforming a process of historical research into a reconfiguration of the present, and featuring musical compositions by Iannis Xenakis and Edgard Varese, who collaborated with Le Corbusier on a pavilion for the 1958 Brussels World Exhibition.
发布于2004年。由Pierre Huyghe执导,
Huyghe regards the narrative of Le Corbusier’s design as a chronological history. Shifting back and forth in time, the narrative oscillates between the past and present, binding together real and imaginary events. Using humor as a critique, Huyghe’s work engaged the audience, eliciting moments of shared laughter reminiscent of a live puppet show.