陆晓朦 Xiaomeng Lu

陆晓朦 Xiaomeng Lu
  • 性别:
  • 职业:导演 / 编剧 / 剪辑 / 摄影

陆晓朦 Xiaomeng Lu简介


导演,编剧,摄影指导,现就读于美国哥伦比亚大学艺术学院研究生电影导演系,本科毕业于纽约**艺术学院电影摄影系。执导及编剧数部个人短片,本科毕业作品《自由的审慎显现》入围 2019 年新导演电影节, 在纽约市电影选集档案馆展映。个人影像风格突出,构建实验性叙事。作品以性、政治、宗教为基底,探讨人物隐藏在各自社会形象下的百态内心。曾以摄影指导参与多部哥伦比亚大学及纽约**艺术学院电影系毕业短片创作,包括《体温》《落头之谈》《南国回忆录》《Le Banquet》等。Xiaomeng Lu is originally from Beijing, China. He is currently in his third year in the MFA Film program at Columbia University in New York. In his films, ***, politics, and religion are inseparable foundational elements. His work explores the deformities of characters’ inner thoughts being trapped by their social identities, and focuses on characters who struggle to express themselves in a reasonable state. Xiaomeng’s undergraduate thesis film The Discreet Apparition of Liberty (2018) screened at Anthology Film Archives in New York **** for the New Filmmakers Festival in 2019.

陆晓朦 Xiaomeng Lu合作伙伴

陆晓朦 Xiaomeng Lu最近作品

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Deja Vu

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