正在播放:梅森探案集 第一季第10集

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梅森探案集 第一季8.7

Perry Mason is an attorney who specializes in defending seemingly indefensible cases. With the aid of his secretary Della Street and investigator Paul Drake, he often finds that by digging deeply into the facts, startling facts can be revealed. Often relying on his outstanding courtroom skills, he often tricks or traps people into unwittingly admitting their guilt.

正在播放:梅森探案集 第一季第10集 。 更新于,播放来源于云播bd。

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梅森探案集 第一季第10集在线观看。 更新于,播放来源于云播bd。


剧情介绍:第10集-Perry Mason is an attorney who specializes in defending seemingly indefensible cases. With the aid of his secretary Della Street and investigator Paul Drake, he often finds that by digging deeply into the facts, startling facts can be revealed. Often relying on his outstanding courtroom skills, he often tricks or traps people into unwittingly admitting their guilt.——小兵看看提供。