爱丽丝餐厅原名:Alice's Restaurant,又名爱丽斯餐厅。1969年剧情、喜剧类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由阿瑟·佩恩执导,并由阿瑟·佩恩、Venable Herndon任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位阿洛·古瑟瑞、帕特里夏·奎因、詹姆斯·布****等著名实力派明星加盟。于1969-08-20公映。
Arlo Guthrie's song is converted into a motion picture. Arlo goes to see Alice for Thanksgivng and as a favor takes her trash to the dump. When the dump is closed, he drops it on top of another pile of garbage at the bottom of a ravine. When the local sheriff finds out a major manhunt begins. Arlo manages to survive the courtroom experience but it haunts him when he is to be in...
第42届奥斯卡金像奖: 最佳导演(提名):阿瑟·佩恩
影史課看過。想起自由的伍德斯托克: love, ****, drug...男主角十分可愛。
60年代好莱坞年轻人电影风潮。阿瑟 佩恩。反文化剧**。无资源