介绍: 后窗原名:RearWindow,创作于美国地区,具有无对白语言版本。由ErnieGehr执导,于1991公映。 更多后窗介绍
后窗原名:Rear Window,创作于美国地区,具有无对白语言版本。由Ernie Gehr执导,于1991公映。
"[A] view from a Brooklyn apartment sublimates Hitchcock's voyeurism into a frenzied engagement with the visible. The film varies exposure or racks focus so that the flickering, spatially ambiguous patterns that press the limits of the frame momentarily dissolve themselves as tree branches or a fire escape or a shadow caught on the screen of someone's laundry rippling in the br...
影片花絮: 在历时一个月的拍摄过程中,饰演托索**的乔琴·达西全天都呆在片场,休息时间也住在电影人物居住的公寓内。