介绍: Scenesfromthreeballets,stagedontheworksofRussianclassics,immersethevie…… 更多俄罗斯芭蕾舞大师介绍
俄罗斯芭蕾舞大师原名:Mastera russkogo baleta,又名Stars of the Russian Ballet
Scenes from three ballets, staged on the works of Russian classics, immerse the viewer in a fabulous atmosphere. You can watch the story of the noble prince and beauty Odette. The magic spell of the evil sorcerer prevents them from being together. But nothing can stop true love. Further, the story of a young couple of lovers, carefree enjoying life. Here the sultan from the eas...
发布于1954年。由Gerbert Rappaport执导,集众多位加林娜·乌兰诺娃、Maya Plisetskaya、Natalya Dudinskaya、尤里·日丹诺夫、V. Bakanov、Pyotr Gussyev、Konstantin Sergeyev、Vakhtang Chabukiani等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1954-02-09(苏联)公映的电影。
第7届戛纳电影节:主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名)。
乌兰诺娃与普丽赛茨卡娅两位芭蕾大师同台出演!三部芭蕾舞剧的精华合集:柴可夫斯基的《天鹅湖》+ 阿萨菲耶夫根据普希金长诗改编的《**奇萨拉伊水泉》+ (还是)阿萨菲耶夫以**大**为背景题材的《巴黎的火焰》。