介绍: Emiliasfriendsareportrayedinanumberofseparatebutinterrelatedcameos.Ona…… 更多艾米利亚的朋友介绍
艾米利亚的朋友原名:Priyatelite na Emiliya,又名Emilia's Friends
Emilia's friends are portrayed in a number of separate but interrelated cameos. On an individual level each cameo reveals the life of a single person. Viewed as a whole, they portray the common human characteristics of a group of friends and the different ways in which they are coming to terms with the world in which they live.
发布于1996年。由Lyudmil Todorov执导,并且由编剧Lyudmil Todorov携幕后团队创作。并于1996公映的电影。