介绍: In1976NikiLaudasurvivedoneofthemostfamouscrashesinFormulaOnehistory.Us…… 更多劳达的33天介绍
劳达的33天原名:Lauda: The Untold Story,又名33 Days
In 1976 Niki Lauda survived one of the most famous crashes in Formula One history. Using previously unseen footage, LAUDA: THE UNTOLD STORY explains what happened on that fateful, and near fatal day at the Nurburgring, then follows Lauda s courageous journey to recovery culminating in a miraculous comeback in Monza just weeks later. The film also investigates the impact that hi...
发布于2014年。集众多位Niki Lauda等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-10-01公映的电影。
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