介绍: 胚胎原名:Embrión,又名Embryo。2008年剧情类型片,创作于西班牙地区,具有西班牙语语言版本。由GonzaloLópez执导,并…… 更多胚胎介绍
胚胎原名:Embrión,又名Embryo。2008年剧情类型片,创作于西班牙地区,具有西班牙语语言版本。由Gonzalo López执导,并由Gonzalo López、足立正生 Masao Adachi (original screenplay)任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Sergio Bernal、Mariona Tena、Ramón Garrido等著名实力派明星加盟。于2008公映。
A young man named Carlos with a sexual trauma kidnaps a girl that works with him. During the kidnapping the sexual tension and the violence will make the two of them change their point views on life and politics.