介绍: Thisdocumentaryisaportraitoftwofriends:RobertMarkle,whocomesfromafamil…… 更多Cowboy and Indian介绍
Cowboy and Indian
This documentary is a portrait of two friends: Robert Markle, who comes from a family of Mohawk steel workers, and Gordon Rayner, his longtime art associate. Both are Toronto artists and art teachers who also share an interest in jazz. Rayner plays the drums, Markle the electric piano. This film is a study of their lifestyle, their mutual interests and their friendship.
发布于1972年。由唐.欧文执导,集众多位Robert Markle、Gordon Rayner等著名实力派明星加盟。
18.08.31第二遍。 多次360°***, 大段无对话留白。男人与男孩。