介绍: ItisgeneralknowledgethattheYanksdroppedLittleBoyonHiroshima,butwheredi…… 更多The Subterranean Imprint Archive介绍
The Subterranean Imprint Archive
It is general knowledge that the Yanks dropped Little Boy on Hiroshima, but where did the uranium come from that gave it its power? From the Congo, explains this VR experience that takes you to the Shinkolobwe mine where Congolese miners excavate the radiation-rich material without protective equipment. This marks the start of a journey into deeply buried histories: alternative...
发布于2021年。由艾米·路易斯·威尔逊、Francois Knoetze执导,并于2021-06-02(鹿特丹电影节)公映的电影。