介绍: Atthebeginningofthe2000s,MaudNycandermadeafilmaboutthecoupleLenaandJoh…… 更多Kärlek & Skilsmässa介绍
Kärlek & Skilsmässa原名:Kärlek & Skilsmässa,又名Love & Divorce
At the beginning of the 2000s, Maud Nycander made a film about the couple Lena and Johan, two young people who fell head over heels in love and had a child within a year of meeting. As Maud now comes back to them, they have been together for 25 years, have three **** or less grown-up children and are in the midst of a separation. Through charming flashbacks to the turbulent yea...
发布于2022年。由Maud Nycander执导,并于2022-02-01(哥德堡电影节)公映的电影。