2.5 I mean I suppose if I view it as a stylistic, extended music video without music, then I would not be too anxious and scratching ** head following this intentionally elliptical narrative. The visual style, which apparently is supposed to be the stronghold of the film, doesn't work for me either.
在一个后末日的未来,一群年轻的****从**里逃出来,试图接近一座似乎只存在于想象中的小岛。剩下的是纯粹的80年代工业氛围:肮脏的黑白,巧妙的声音设计,模糊的焦虑。Alexander Hacke(最后一次出现在同样气氛的《***》中)用打击乐器和剪切金属做了一个不错的原创配乐;Blixa Bargeld最后出现了,他用一把木槌敲打着一本圣经,嘴里大声喊着神秘的信息〔…〕近乎无调的诗学,独属于那个**的作品。
Zaggy 🇵🇸
2.5 I mean I suppose if I view it as a stylistic, extended music video without music, then I would not be too anxious and scratching ** head following this intentionally elliptical narrative. The visual style, which apparently is supposed to be the stronghold of the film, doesn't work for me either.
三星半。实验性、局部性启示录,未来**中不明意义的生存追求。没觉得它表达了什么思想,倒是从头到尾近乎铺满的Post Industrial、Dark Wave、Ambient音乐不容忽视,导演似乎只是验证这类音乐结合影像表意的有效性